I haven't posted on here in a while. At first I was busy; since then I've just been hiding. The strange thing is that Brian and I actually made 3 or 4 more dishes back in July that I was so excited to share at the time, but just never got around to posting. July was a crazy month of 10 hour work days and lots of ice cream (trust me, I needed it), so I cut myself some slack. But then August came (and with that the Great Move, something I'll touch on more later), which actually gave me an unprecedented amount of down time. By that point, I was just scared.
Being held accountable for what I eat is slightly terrifying. So in many ways, I've been hiding, both from you and from myself. If I don't write about it, no one has to know about it, not even myself. I don't have to keep track of the restaurants I've been in or the oreos I've eaten or the amount of times I've asked Brian to cook something quick for me (or, on that note, the amount of butter he's put into it). It's easier to just stop cooking and blogging all together than to admit defeat (yet again) and start back up (yet again). Coming up with meals is time consuming and cooking, while less so, still feels like a big production. It's not--as I discovered a few months ago--but it still feels that way.
A project that wasn't supposed to feel like a diet is really starting to act like one.
Not to say that I haven't legitimately been busy. Since the last time we've spoken, I've moved twice, started a new job, started school, attempted unpacking, and decided that I'm just not settled enough right now to get back into cooking. The Great Move consisted of first moving from PA to LI, languishing in my mom's apartment for two and a half weeks, and then moving again from LI to NYC. As stressful as moving was, I'm very lucky to have a supportive family who came together to make all of this possible. Without their help, I never would have been able to pack/drive the U-haul to NY from PA, store my stuff in a safe (and free!) place, find a place to stay, or have an amazing relay team get my things from the second U-Haul to my apartment in an elevator that is roughly the size of a door squared. While I thought I had my bases covered, what I wasn't anticipating was the massive brain exhaustion from worrying about my new home, buying things to get set up, and just plain waiting for school to start. Even after we got into our new (gorgeous) apartment, standing on that precipice has been so consuming that I haven't even been able to fully unpack. With my internship in its second week and classes finally getting underway today, I'm hoping I'll be able to get myself back in gear ASAP.
Until then, though, I'm going to continue hiding. Just for a little longer. Just until I have learned how to juggle all of the balls I've got up in the air. Hopefully I'll be back soon, but in the meantime I've got a few guest posts up my sleeve that I'll be unveiling periodically. Thank you for all of your encouragement and support :)
See you later,