I've been gearing up for this change for a long time. Ever since I started watching Food Network in my freshman year of college, I've had an interest in cooking. I just wasn't ready to make the kinds of big life changes involved with overhauling my eating habits. And now, finally, I am.
To me, this is about making a commitment to treat myself better, not about losing weight. Yes, I hope that's a side effect, but mainly I want to get in the habit of cooking nutritious meals for me and my fiance because we deserve better than frozen pizza. And day old chinese food.
Brian and I |
My fiance and I are moving to NYC in the Fall so that I can pursue an MA in Higher Education at Teachers College at Columbia University. We're really excited about it because there's so much opportunity there and we'll be close to our support system. And, of course, because of the food. Farmers markets, co-ops, fancy restaurants, ridiculous grocery stores - Manhattan has it all. What we don't have, though, is millions in the bank to support eating out all the time in one of the most expensive cities in the world. By diving in now, I'm hoping that we can get in the groove of cooking everyday and save ourselves the expense and temptation of eating out every night.
But mainly, I just want to eat more food. New food alerts are about expanding my palate to include things I've barely heard of because I can. We all have access to so many cool things in our grocery stores, and it's a shame that we don't always explore all of our options. That's why my new eating style is going to veer on the side of vegetarian. Non-meat eaters know some really awesome ways to mix their veggies that we carnivores can really learn from.
I kinda sorta know how to cook, but not really, so this blog is also about learning how to prepare food in a pleasing way. And as I showed you in
The Pizza Dough Fiasco, I fully intend to screw up. I
’m not an expert, and I don’t have all of the answers, so this blog will be about you as much as it is about me. Come, look around, give advice, get advice, and hopefully leave as excited about food as I am.
I will try to keep people's anonymity by referring to them by their relationship to me (coworker, friend, cousin, etc) unless given permission to use their name. If you're reading my blog and you can tell something is obviously about you and you would like to be given name recognition, just let me know and I will edit the post. Thanks!