Saturday, April 9, 2011

What I've learned so far

It's been a week since I started this adventure, so I thought it would be a good idea to reflect on some of the things I've learned.

  1. Garlic and olive oil are my new best friends
  2. Roasted cherry tomatoes should be their own food group
  3. Sea salt and/or balsamic vinaigrette can cover almost any mistake
  4. Yes, it does seem like more food if you cut it up into smaller pieces
  5. Cooking old foods in new ways is just as fun as finding new things to eat
  6. When you're full of good food, it's easier to say no to the junk
  7. Music in the kitchen makes everything go faster
  8. The fiance is a tad competitive - it seems like I'm going to be posting some of his food creations soon :)
  9. Cooking is easier than I thought it would be
  10. I need a bigger fridge!

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